Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday, April 7th 

Tech Tip Tuesday:

I created a video to help answer some questions (log into your Google Classroom to view the video) it is posted under "Classwork"

I have been getting several questions about:
 "When does class start?"
"What is Google Classroom?"
"When do I get to see Mrs Vroom?"
"When will you be teaching the lessons?"

The focus of this week's Tech Tip will be What is Google Classroom?

Inspirational Message Art:

If you made yours, please take a photo and send it to me and I can share it too!

**  I won't likely be posting announcements on the Blog anymore, make sure to check for Announcements in Google Classroom **

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6th 2020

Happy Monday Grade 4's

I have sent you all an invitation to your student email address to our Google Classroom.

Please log in and check out your weekly assignments.

Q. What did the calculator say to the other calculator?
A. "You can count on me!"

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Happy Friday Grade 4's and Families,

What a week of learning for me and for you.  I want to thank all of you for your communication, understanding and positive words as we have been talking this week.  I am learning new things every day and we as teachers are trying to absorb it all to provide you with the best learning opportunities we can!

It was AMAZING to see most of your faces yesterday in Google Meet.  If you missed the meeting, don't worry, we will have another one at some point.

The best way to get a hold of me is through email mdvroom@cbe.ab.ca.  I will also check mdvroom@educbe.ca (the email connected to the student's email and google docs) every day.

My work hours are:
 9:00am- 3:45pm Monday to Thursday
9:00am- 1:30pm Friday

If you email outside of those hours, I will get back to you "when I open."

Ta Ta for now!! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1st 2010

Good Afternoon wonderful Grade Fours and Families;

Please see the attached information about Google Classroom and Google Meet

Our class will be having a
Google Meet Meeting Tomorrow (Thursday, April 2nd) at 1pm
for all students in Mrs Vroom’s class! 

I will be sending out a link to the meeting tomorrow at 12:45, so please re-check your email at that time for the link. 

You will need your CBE email and your email password, so please log into your google account before tomorrow at 1pm to check that you know your password.  Email me if you have forgotten your password and I can get it reset for you. 

I look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces tomorrow!