Monday, November 18, 2019

Wednesday, November 20th 

- we had our second day of Inline Skating today.  Our final day will be on Monday, November 25th.
- Half day tomorrow!
- conferences tomorrow afternoon/ evening and Friday morning
- Movie night notice home with oldest

Tuesday, November 19

We will have another Book Fair Purchase day on Wednesday morning.  Students can bring money at this time.

*** We still need these items for building tomorrow afternoon, if you can donate them, please bring them in!
- feathers
- small boxes
- spools
- milk jug lids
- paper towel rolls
- sponges
- rope
- chop sticks
- cardboard boxes

Monday, November 18th 

Our class has IN- LINE skating Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and on the 25th!!!  Bring Helmets!!!

Please sign up for conferences this Thursday evening and Friday morning.  This is a time for the student's to show you their work and for parents to ask Ms Vroom any questions about their child's learning.  

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